ESG awareness e-learning series

Learn more about duties and best practices in ESG strategy development

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Business challenge

ESG is a hot topic on the agenda of many Management Board teams.

Businesses are now understanding that their environmental and social impact on the community – as well as their corporate governance structure and transparency – will become crucial elements for their long-term sustainability and competitiveness. But where can you start in assessing where you stand in terms of ESG compliance, norms and best practices? As an old saying goes, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.

  • How do we measure and manage ESG when there are no common standards?
  • Where should we focus when the list of potential issues is a mile long?

How can we help

Most companies are in the early stages of their ESG journey. To support your ESG transformation, we’ve created a learning path. From the basics we collected all the to-dos and best practices that can help you in the strategic reinvention, reimagined reporting and business transformation.

ESG awareness learning path:

  • Introduction to ESG and ESG reporting
  • Sustainable finance
  • Net-Zero
  • European sustainability reporting and taxonomy
  • Sustainability reporting frameworks and the GRI standards
  • EU Taxonomy Deep Dive
  • Why Sustainable Development Goals Matter for Businesses

Available soon: more ESG Awareness e-learnings:

  • Supply chain 
  • Stakeholder management

Available soon: ISSB e-learnings:

  • IFRS S1 - General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information
  • IFRS S2 - Climate-related Disclosures




Choose the right set of courses from the package to build awareness and educate your staff about the different aspects of ESG.


Stay up-to-date

The digital learning solutions are updated regularly to be able to follow all regulatory changes and adjustments.



The training requires active participation from the learners, which helps them to gain real knowledge.



Access to our standardized and user-friendly modules at any time, anywhere.



Real-time reporting on training progress.



Integrate company-specific case studies and guidelines if needed.
