E-learnings for financial institutions

Build comprehensive knowledge about the financial ecosystem and matters related to financial services

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The business challenge

The financial ecosystem has deepened in size, sophistication and complexity across countries over the last few decades.

There is a constant stream of new regulations, risk factors, and operational challenges that affect day-to-day operations. The e-learning modules address these questions in a practical manner to help learners build comprehensive knowledge. The courses deal with accounting matters, risk management considerations and performance measurement.

How we can help

EBA, ECB, BRRD, MREL, CRR, CRD, CET1… so many acronyms. Understand the true meaning behind them. Be prepared for the new challenges with a stable knowledge about risk-related regulatory requirements, existing risk factors, and performance indicators.

The modules have been designed by a group of specialists in IFRS, cybersecurity and financial services, together with learning experts. They have extensive knowledge of and experience in implementing IFRS for banks and other financial institutions, in regulatory reporting as well as in financial and non-financial risks related to the operation of financial institutions. In designing the modules, they have focused on the relevance of these fields, in theory and in practice, for banks specifically.

Are you interested in IFRS for Banks or Insurers? Discover our curricula here

Are you interested in ESG for Banks or Insurers? Discover our curricula here

The benefits of our e-learning at a glance


Access our user-friendly modules anytime, anywhere.


Real-time reporting on training progress.


Discounted prices are available for group registrations.


Webshop price

  • Pay by credit/debit card
  • Buy e-learning modules for yourself
  • Reimburse costs based on company invoice
  • Automatic immediate access to the training
Volume discounts may apply when bought as part of a curriculum package in the webshop.

from € 30

per module

Corporate package

  • Installation of SCORM packages on the learning management system
  • Unlimited access to the training platform via web link with no installation required

from € 10 000

per module